I wish I had known some of the realities of coming to Queenstown when I headed over here, so here are some of things I learnt.
1. Its SO hard to get a job- prepare yourself.
2. Do not come from April-June, this is when shops/ restaurants etc shut down for a few months because it is so quiet.
3. If you are here for the ski season make sure you are here by mid/ end of June. It will be hard still to get a job, but go around all shops, get to know people (its the best way to find something), apply for everything and anything. You cannot be picky in this town.
4. Pester the Job Agency, and be reliable when they give you shifts
5. Arriving mid/end of June does limit you housing wise, but its better than sitting around with no job. Live in Queenstown if you can, Fernhill is cold and damp (its in the shade a lot), and there's not much going on in Frankton.
6. Electricity is expensive, try and find somewhere with a heat pump, and is modern and warm.
7. Watch out for leases, we have to give two weeks notice before we leave but many people will ask you to sign up to a 6 months lease.
8. You are in Queenstown to have fun, don't get bogged down with work. This is not the place to go and make money.
9.. Go to The Remarkables Sweet Shop, and get Creme Bruele Fudge
10. Go to The Sake bar!
11. If you come in a low season try and win a sky dive! There are competitions in the bars all the time, and with so little people in the bars it is easy to win!
12. The Lakes Weekly is your new best friend, it has all the jobs in so make sure you grab one!
13. Speak to people, get to know people who work in shops/ bars and you will have more chance of getting a job!
14. If you come to Queenstown you will meet people from all over the world, but you won't meet Kiwis! Its a tourist town, and Kiwis are no where to be seen. This was the first thing that shocked me, every shop I went in I was greeted by English shop assistants etc. Its an amazing town, but its not the real NZ, so make sure you travel around NZ as well whilst you are here.
15. Queenstown doesn't have any big, cheap supermarkets which other towns have. You have to learn how to shop here, and what to buy, but you can do a cheapish shop if you buy things which are in season.
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